
Student trip to the UK

18-21 March 2020

Are you a BA3 or BA2 student of English language and literature who is not going on Erasmus exchange in your third year? Are you an MA student of English language and literature who has not gone on Erasmus exchange? Then consider applying for the upcoming trip to London/Canterbury in March 18-21 2020, organised by the English section of UGent!


Leah Budke, Gert Buelens, Karen De Clercq, Shannon Lambert, Stef Slembrouck, Gry Ulstein



This three-night trip to the UK involves activities spread out between the cities of London and Canterbury, including a theatre performance of Samuel Beckett’s Endgame, museum and library visits in London’s bustling city sphere, and a number of educational activities related to English language and literature at and around the University of Kent in Canterbury. The estimated cost for this trip is €150 (including transport, accommodation, theatre ticket, and compulsory stream activities). Please note: additional money should be budgeted for meals, and optional stream activities.


Activity streams

For the duration of the trip you will be signed up for one of four “activity streams.” Please see sign-up form for more detailed information about the streams. Note that each stream has limited spots and you might not get your first pick. The streams are listed below.


Stream a: Language and community

Stream b: Print culture and literary history

Stream c: Creative practices

Stream d: Journalistic explorations


For sign-up, please use this Google Form.

Please note: filling out this form signs you up for the trip, but it does not guarantee you a spot. Selected students will be asked to pay their participant fee in December/January.




Questions? Please email Gry at Gry.Ulstein@ugent.be